Project Description

roman female statues

Thorvaldsens Jason with the Golden Fleece marble roman female statues

In the roman female statues, Jason appears to be frozen between rest and movement. The battle was won, and he went home with his prey. Peace of mind and body, the archetype of the classical hero. The roman female statues are perfectly balanced: wherever your gaze falls, you will find the corresponding element. For example, the roman female statues spears are reflected on the chest strap and wool is reflected on the stumps. As well as the curled tip of the helmet on the ram’s horns.

NO.: AK-stone(LY30 )
MATERIAL: Natural Marble / Stone / Granite
USAGE: Amusement park, Theme park, Garden, Restaurant, Playground, Public Area, Garden, Indoor & Outdoor, etc

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In the roman female statues, Jason appears to be frozen between rest and movement. The battle was won, and he went home with his prey. Peace of mind and body, the archetype of the classical hero. The roman female statues are perfectly balanced: wherever your gaze falls, you will find the corresponding element. For example, the roman female statues spears are reflected on the chest strap and wool is reflected on the stumps. As well as the curled tip of the helmet on the ram’s horns.

The roman female statues express the gist of the ancient Greek mythology of Jason as told by the Alexandrian poet Apollonius of Rhodes, about a hero on his journey in search of the golden fleece trying to help his father from King Peleas Restoring his kingdom in hand. 3rd century BC roman female statues depict Jason taking the golden fleece from the sacred tree. White, sharp, strong, and rhythmic lines, evoke a distant and heroic image. At the time Thorvaldsen created the roman female statues, Denmark was developing from an absolute monarchy to a period of liberalism revolving around individual citizens’ views of the world. Likewise, the sculptor takes his monumental roman female statues to a personal level.

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marble statues

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