Project Description

Gowns of Ancient marble muse Euterpe goddess Bearer of melody
NO.: AK-stone(d339)
MATERIAL: Natural Marble / Stone / Granite
USAGE: Amusement park, Theme park, Garden, Restaurant, Playground, Public Area, Garden, Indoor & Outdoor, etc
More Similar Marble Goddess Sculpture
Euterpe goddess Details:
Euterpe goddess sculpture presents a standing goddess, holding a musical instrument in one hand and dropping naturally in the other hand, with an elegant and relaxed nature, showing a sense of dynamics and mobility. This stylistic feature makes her image not only aesthetic but also gives her energy as if she is dancing to the melody of the music. The style and aesthetics of Euterpe goddess sculpture combine the essence of classical Greek sculpture, showing elegance and harmony, highlighting her symbolic characteristics as a Muse of music and lyric poetry. Euterpe’s sculptures continue the idealized aesthetics of Greek classical art, and her statues often have perfect symmetry and proportion, which are the ideal pursuit of beauty in Greek art. Euterpe statues pay much attention to the accuracy of human anatomy and combine the feminine soft curves with delicate facial expressions to convey an atmosphere of tranquility and nobility.

marble muse Euterpe goddess Bearer of melody