Project Description

full of smiles marble buddha hotei statue

Full of smiles marble Buddha Hotei statue Buddhist art conveys good fortune

NO.: AK-stone(d335)
MATERIAL: Natural Marble / Stone / Granite
USAGE: Amusement park, Theme park, Garden, Restaurant, Playground, Public Area, Garden, Indoor & Outdoor, etc

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Buddha Hotei statue Details:

The Buddha Hotei statue is a joyful and welcoming figure, often depicted with a broad smile, a large belly, and a generous posture that conveys happiness, wealth, and good fortune. Known as the “Laughing Buddha,” Hotei embodies the spirit of joy and contentment. His large belly symbolizes the capacity to embrace all things, representing inner peace and optimism. On one hand, he holds a large cloth sack, a symbol of abundance, prosperity, and the fulfillment of desires. This sack represents not only material wealth but also spiritual richness. The Buddha Hotei statue is an ideal choice for both devout Buddhists and those new to Buddhist art, making it perfect for entry-level collectors or as a decorative piece for homes, due to its positive, festive symbolism.

full of smiles marble buddha hotei statue

full of smiles marble buddha hotei statue

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